Day 23: LAN Party
Part A
Let $G=(V,E)$ be an undirected graph. Let $U\subseteq V$.
- let $n\leftarrow 0$;
- let $D\leftarrow\emptyset$;
- for $u\in U$:
- assign $D\leftarrow D\cup\lbrace u\rbrace$;
- for $(\lbrace u,v\rbrace,\lbrace u,w\rbrace)\in E\times E$:
- if $v\neq w$ and $\lbrace v,w\rbrace\cap D=\emptyset$ and $(v,w)\in E$, then:
- assign $n\leftarrow n+1$;
- if $v\neq w$ and $\lbrace v,w\rbrace\cap D=\emptyset$ and $(v,w)\in E$, then:
- return $n$.
Time complexity: $O(\lvert E\rvert^2)$.
Space complexity: $O(1)$.
Part B
Let $G=(V,E)$ be an undirected graph.
- let $\mathcal{C}\leftarrow$ Bron–Kerbosch set of maximal cliques of $G$;
- return $\argmax_{C\in\mathcal{C}}(\lvert C\rvert)$.
Time complexity: $O\left(3^{\frac{\lvert V\rvert}{3}}\right)$.