Day 19: Linen Layout
Let $A,B$ be sets of sequences.
Let $m^\ast=\max_{a\in A}(\mathrm{len}(a)),n^\ast=\max_{b\in B}(\mathrm{len}(b))$.
Part A
- let $x\leftarrow 0$;
- let $T\leftarrow$ trie over $A$;
- for $(b_0,\dots b_{n-1})\in B$:
- define $d_0\leftarrow\mathrm{true}$;
- define $d_i\leftarrow\mathrm{false}$ for $1\leq i\leq n$;
- for $i\in(0,\dots,n-1)$:
- if $\lnot d_i$, then continue to next $i$;
- let $T’\leftarrow T$;
- for $k\in(0,\dots,n-i-1)$:
- assign $T’\leftarrow$ child of $T’$ matching $b_{i+k}$;
- if $T’$ is nil, then break iteration;
- if $T’$ is a leaf, then assign $d_{i+k+1}\leftarrow d_{i+k+1}\lor d_i$;
- if $d_n$, then assign $x\leftarrow x+1$;
- return $x$.
Time complexity: $O(\lvert B\rvert\cdot m^\ast\cdot n^\ast)$.
Space complexity: $O(\lvert A\rvert\cdot m^\ast+n^\ast)$.
Part B
- let $x\leftarrow 0$;
- let $T\leftarrow$ trie over $A$;
- for $(b_0,\dots b_{n-1})\in B$:
- define $d_0\leftarrow 1$;
- define $d_i\leftarrow 0$ for $1\leq i\leq n$;
- for $i\in(0,\dots,n-1)$:
- if $d_i=0$, then continue to next $i$;
- let $T’\leftarrow T$;
- for $k\in(0,\dots,n-i-1)$:
- assign $T’\leftarrow$ child of $T’$ matching $b_{i+k}$;
- if $T’$ is nil, then break iteration;
- if $T’$ is a leaf, then assign $d_{i+k+1}\leftarrow d_{i+k+1}+d_i$;
- assign $x\leftarrow x+d_n$;
- return $x$.
Time complexity: $O(\lvert B\rvert\cdot m^\ast\cdot n^\ast)$.
Space complexity: $O(\lvert A\rvert\cdot m^\ast+n^\ast)$.