Day 10: Hoof It
Part A
Let $G=(V,E)$ be a directed graph and $S,T\subseteq V$ be subsets of its vertices.
- let $x\leftarrow 0$;
- for $s\in S$:
- $F=(V’,E’)\leftarrow$ depth-first search forest of $G$ from $s$;
- $x\leftarrow x+\lvert V’\cap T\rvert$;
- return $x$.
Time complexity: $O(\lvert S\rvert\cdot(\lvert V\rvert+\lvert E\rvert))$.
Space complexity: $O(\lvert V\rvert)$.
Part B
Let $G=(V,E)$ be a tree and $S,T\subseteq V$ be subsets of its vertices.
- let $x\leftarrow 0$;
- for $s\in S$:
- let $S\leftarrow$ empty stack;
- push $s$ onto $S$;
- while $S$ is not empty:
- let $u\leftarrow$ pop $S$;
- if $u\in T$, then:
- assign $x\leftarrow x+1$;
- continue to next iteration;
- for $(u,v)\in E$:
- push $v$ onto $S$;
- return $x$.
Time complexity: $O(\lvert S\rvert\cdot\lvert V\rvert\cdot p)$, where $p$ is the average number of paths between source and target vertices.
Space complexity: $O(\lvert V\rvert)$.